In response to the cost of living crisis, welcoming spaces have popped up around the city. These are places where people can keep warm, charge phones, socialise with others and access support related to the cost of living. There are 87 Welcoming Spaces across Bristol and this number is growing.
Bristol Women’s Voice is supporting these welcoming spaces by:
- Providing expert advice and guidelines for those running the spaces
- Putting on inclusivity and accessibility training for staff and volunteers
- Setting up women-only sessions in some welcoming spaces
- Facilitating workshops and activities in some Welcoming Spaces
- Hosting ‘Inspiring Women’ talks across Welcoming Spaces.
We have started our women-only presence in two Welcoming Spaces:
- The Vassall Centre, every Monday from 10am – 12pm.
There are teas and coffees, toy boxes, a computer for public use, and a store cupboard with food donations.
The Vassall Centre is wheelchair accessible.
- Redcliffe Hub, Thursdays from 10:30am – 12pm.
Here there are teas and coffees, books, and a variety of workshops and sessions across the week.
Redcliffe Hub is wheelchair accessible.
If you would like to help out at our Welcome Spaces, we need volunteers! This could mean running a workshop, or simply just being there to welcome people. Please contact communityorganiser@bristolwomensvoice.org.uk to find out more.